Wednesday, March 23

Bent Into Shape

If you have not been able to tell (because it's not like I have been short on posts as of late) I have been suffering through a creative slump of serious epicosity.  Yes, so serious that real words can not possibly attempt to describe it properly.  Today was the first day that I felt truly back to my awesome, designer self and part of that is because I allowed myself to step away for a few days, even after having been under the weather (literally and metaphorically speaking) for about 3 weeks for different but nonetheless equally unhelpful reasons. 

Why am I boring you with my life story?
"This is a design related blog isn't it?  Use your personal blog to ramble on about how hard your life is, I came here to get some serious insight on some serious stuff."   
- Overly Critical Bitch

Well, not today, so shut-up random 'overly critical bitch' in my brain. ("And for the children in the audience, we have used these words in a sentence.  I don't care it's still stupid." Smile if you caught the Robin Williams reference) What I have allowed myself to re-realise (because I have realised it many times in the past) is that sometimes you just have to laugh and once you do the world becomes brighter and better in every way. 

So I would like to reference a different Robin (it is the day of Robin's; apparently) and give props where props are due. Robin: thank you for showing me this in class and for contributing to my already good day.  Check Robin out here:

This is "Bent Objects" by Terry Border.  Check Terry out here:

"Modest Pear"

Today I remembered something that I somehow forgot over the last month.  Design is fun.  Design creates awesome things that would other wise be missing from the world, like modest pears and linguist dinosaurs and eggs that think they are birds. 

More importantly I remembered that design is fun and I am good at it.  I know you don't really care that much (anonymous reader), and I am not expecting you to.  But you can't exactly have a blog, and have a great day, and discover something fantastically awesomtackular and not post about it.  Can you? (You won't answer because you are a computer... I am going to continue writing now).

I am the egg on the latter.

I am a tired yet refreshed, awesome design student, clutching the feathery wings of my work ethic and visual nature and perched atop the questionably safe evaluation latter about to leap.  Hopefully the metaphorical red-bull I gulped down today really did give me wings.

Flying high with 25 days until permitted to land, Nicole

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