Wednesday, September 21

You Have To Be Careful With Eggs

Wow, cutting it quite close now aren't we?
Sorry, I have been feeling a tad scrambled lately.

So design community, are you tired of having all your eggs sitting together in that carton box?  You know, where they are free to converse and plot together to take over the world with their shameless yokes?  Well you need not worry any longer.  Now eggs come to you in solitary confinement cells.

Designed by Lindsey Sherman

Justice has been served.

In all seriousness though, I really do like these packages.  They completely embody a simple, beautiful aesthetic that is both practical and modern.  And what's more, this solution probably allows for a little more leeway in how carefully you have to treat your eggs. Which as we all know, are very vulnerable to the bottom of the grocery pile.

I take my justice over-easy, Nicole

Monday, September 19

It Is Alive

Or I am, rather. 
So it is midway through September. I had meant to resume my regular posting at the beginning of the school year but, well, it is Conestoga Graphic Design after all, and I really should have known it would take me longer than a day or two to settle in and get all my angles pointing the right way. (shameless pun-plug).

Nonetheless, full of worthless excusess, here I sit.  Back on my regular and horrible sleep cycle and able to burn some thoughts into this blog.

So lets do this thing shall we?  Nicole

Post Scriptum, 
I will be officially resuming my weekly posts as of Wednesday, September 21st.  I am hoping to do more than one post/week but lets not be too ambitious to start. This may not be MACBETH, but we don't want to risk killing you all with my overreaching ambition now do we?