Monday, September 19

It Is Alive

Or I am, rather. 
So it is midway through September. I had meant to resume my regular posting at the beginning of the school year but, well, it is Conestoga Graphic Design after all, and I really should have known it would take me longer than a day or two to settle in and get all my angles pointing the right way. (shameless pun-plug).

Nonetheless, full of worthless excusess, here I sit.  Back on my regular and horrible sleep cycle and able to burn some thoughts into this blog.

So lets do this thing shall we?  Nicole

Post Scriptum, 
I will be officially resuming my weekly posts as of Wednesday, September 21st.  I am hoping to do more than one post/week but lets not be too ambitious to start. This may not be MACBETH, but we don't want to risk killing you all with my overreaching ambition now do we?

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